Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Regular attendance at school is essential for students' success in the classroom. A written excuse -- dated and signed -- is required for all absences. Excused absences include illness, death of an immediate family member, religious holidays for which prior approval is given, medical and dental appointments, and special cases approved by the principal.
If you are picking up your child at dismissal time, please wait outside the building. Yates must have a written note if there is a change in your child’s transportation; a telephone call will not be accepted. During the school day, you must come into the office to sign out your child. Students are released from class only when called from the office.
We owe each scholar at Yates a quality education where they can reach their fullest potentional. We ask in return that they master the content and standards. Mastery matters!
Yates offers a variety of opportunities for families to participate in their child's learning. Anyone interested in helping must first register as a volunteer with FCPS and clear a criminal background check. You can also explore districtwide opportunities through Give 10.
All guests must sign in and out at the front office and wear a visitor name tag.
Please do not double park in the lot. You may use the bus lane in front of the school to drop off your child in the morning, but do not park there to come into the building. You may not use the bus lane in the afternoon. Please use the side streets or the parking lot.